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  • Ellie Pratt



For todays shoot we had to take photos of reflections. I wanted to capture colour and brightness as well as completing the literacy of todays topic. To do this I moved around a small makeup mirror in front of and behind different plants and flowers. I made sure to pick my locations wisely according to the direction of the sunlight because I didn't want the reflection in the mirror to look a bad quality or the bright light showing either. To edit these I just turned up the saturation a little bit and the sharpness to really bring out those details and edges. I'm really happy with the transparency of the mirror; in some photos it looks as if it isn't there which is what I was aiming for in todays process.


On the side of todays shoot I tried out some filters and effects and stumbled across this reflection effect which creates the illusions of water and the landscape reflecting onto it. I thought this was a fun way to experiment with technological techniques and almost 'cheat' ways to create a similar appeal. Here is a vido i took...

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