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  • Ellie Pratt



For todays shoot we had to take photos of water. I wanted to focus on the reflection of water and the effects it causes when placed over or in front of something. To do this I filled up a glass with water and held it up over plants and the sky outside. I loved the way the water disformed the plants and trees; creating a blurred merge of colours in the water. I made sure to focus my camera on the glass of water so a nice depth of field was created which I think compliments the patterns casted onto the water. To edit these photos I did the same as usual and just increased the saturation and contrast to keep the natural lighting but just brighten the photos up sligltly.


Todays shoot was inspired by photography I found on Pinterest. I loved the reflections in the water and as I was speaking about previously the patterns created through the water. Here is a photo that inspiered me...

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